Here is a typical conversation with Ryan during a car ride:
Ryan: Mom, I have a question.
Me: What's your Q? (Ryan used to call all questions "Q"s so this is how I answer him now.)
Ryan: Is marble heavier than concrete?
Me: Yes
Ryan: Well, which is stronger?
Me: I believe marble would be stronger.
Ryan: What about steel? Is marble stronger than steel?
Me: I guess that would depend on the size and thickness of each.
Ryan: Well, what if they were both the size of a car?
Me: (How I am I supposed to know this stuff?) Uh...I'm not really sure.
Ryan: What about silk? My teacher said that silk is really strong...could it be stronger than steel.
Me: (Really??? Silk???) Hmmm...I guess if the silk was compounded together, layer upon layer, then I guess it would be possible but it would also depend on the thickness of the steel. (Geez...I have no idea)
Ryan: Mom, if Marius Pudzianowski had to lift marble and there was a clone of Marius Pudzianowski who had to lift steel, who would win?
Me: I guess that would depend on the weight of each?
Ryan: Well, like if it was the same size but one was heavier than the other, who would win?
Me: (My head is hurting) Not really sure...I know nothing about body builders, Ryan.
After a brief pause...
Ryan: Mom. How fast do you think a fighter jet goes?
Me: I have no clue.
Ryan: Which is bigger, a mammoth or a mastadon?
Me: Ummm...
Ryan: How far do you think it is to the center of the Earth?
Me: ( head is spinning)
Ryan: you think Bill Gates is in debt?
Me: I don't know, Ryan...why don't you call him yourself and ask.
Ryan: What about NBA players? Do you think they have debt?
Me: (Ughhhh!)
Ryan: Can a rocket ship go 25,000 miles an hour?
Me: (Are we home yet????)
Ryan: How tall is the tallest building in the world?
Me: (I need a nap!!!)