It seems every time we turn around there is some house repair, car expense, or some bill that arrives that we weren't expecting. Just when we feel we are getting ahead then BAM! Something happens.
And then there are the ordinary expenses of holidays, birthdays, Boy scouts, gymnastics, baseball, violin lessons, and the change of seasons requiring new clothing purchases.
What about those little inconveniences in life like spilled milk, crumbled up Cheese-its on the carpet, dog hair, Nathan throwing up in my lap right before Ryan pitches for the first time, permanent marker on clothes, fingernail polish on the couch, discovering gum in the washer after it was left in a pocket or the ants that made their way into the house and into the dog's dish.
Some might complain that their child climbs into their bed night after night no matter how many times you put them back in their own bed or the radio is too loud or the bikes and helmets and bases and balls are strewn all over the yard.
Some say things like, "Why does this always happen to us?" or "We will never get ahead in life!" These are the people who choose to look at life through that glass-half-empty lens and who refuse to see life on the other end of the spectrum. How unhappy and hopeless life must feel.
I admit I have my moments where the stress gets to be a little too much and I might have a fleeting thought of "I wish my life was different". But it doesn't take long for me to realize that if I didn't have a car repair that means I don't have a car. And if I didn't have to pay for things like lessons, sports, clothes...that would mean my children wouldn't have these experiences. How sad I would be if there was never spilled milk or throw up or gum or messes of any kind...that would mean I don't have children. Someday, my house will be quiet. I will not have a child climbing into my bed. No one will have the radio up too loud. Bikes, baseball and bases will be a thing of the past. And I will miss them!
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference." ~ Virginia Satir
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