Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Secret, Part II

"So, what about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? Did you tell him about them?"

They didn't even come to mind given that we were in the midst of the Christmas season. I figured I had gotten the Santa Clause part out of the way...I would tell him the rest eventually. Well, "eventually" came just a few days later.

Every evening the kids and I read books together. We all like to read but it's required homework for Ryan and Grace. Ryan and I usually read books that are a few grades beyond his grade level so we take turns reading but I probably read the majority of the time. On this particular day, Ryan was rather antsy during story time so was bouncing all over the bed, throwing pillows in the air and catching them, putting his feet inside the pillow cases and walking around like he was robot with giant pillow legs. I finally had enough and gave him a brief lecture about reading time. I explained that although I am reading, he must sit beside me and at least read along when it's not his turn to read. After a few more oppositional bouts of misbehavior, he settled by my side. Clearing my throat, I continued...

"But except for the voices of the clocks, Zinkoff is unaware of all this. He is too busy thinking about himself to notice what others are thinking. He is busy growing up. He is busy growing out.

"By the start of fifth grade Zinkoff has grown out..."

I pause...I have a read ahead and I see the words, "...of a whole flock of beliefs: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy..." I may have stopped reading but the boy beside me has not. I burst into laughter as I, again, get pounced upon!

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